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Inverto Unicable II Power Inserter 5-2400 MHz + power adapter IDLU-PINS01-OOOOO-OPP

Supply of 17 volts for the voltage supply of Unicable II Multiswitch and Unicable II LNBs.
When using Unicable I / II LNBs, it is possible that the used SAT receiver / tuner does not provide sufficient power via the coaxial cable to supply the LNB with power. In this case, the Inverto Power Inserter can be used to provide enough current and serve as a constant current source. The inseter is integrated via the Unicable cable and thus supplies the LNBs with current.
The DiSEqC / EN50494 / EN50607 commands are also passed to the LNB / Multiswitch output port.
In the case of two Inverto Unicable LNBs, which are connected to via a corresponding combiner and programming, it may be necessary to supply both LNBs behind the Combinder with a separate inserter.

The Power Inserter comes with power supply.
Note: The Inverto Unicable II multiswitches needs also a power supply over the coaxial cable, here the corresponding Power Inserter is included in the delivery.

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